Out with the old...

As of November 1, 2016, Digium will EOL the D40 and D50 model phones with the following part numbers:
There is still limited inventory of D40 and D50 phones but once it is depleted there will be no more available. If you need D40 and/or D50 models, please place your order as soon as possible.
Following is a transition path for replacement models for the the D40 and D50 phones:
The D40 replacement is the D60 (1TELD060LF)
The D50 replacement is the D65 (1TELD065LF)
We expect that Digium will end-of-life the D45 (1TELD045LF) phones too. The replacement product for the D45 is the D62 (1TELD062LF).
Digium also reduced the price of the D70 phone to $199.
For information about the new phones click here.